
Saturday, January 24, 2009

I am so excited for tomorrow's get together! It's been almost half year since everyone gather together. Most of the time we'll just gather at someone's house or go somewhere nice for dinner. So this year I wanted to make it a special and memorable one and not just some meet ups over a meal and la dee da go home cause after a while its just boring!

Hence, I am organising the meet up this time and called it a "White Affair" reunion. The dress code is white and we're gonna have candlelight dinner outside my house. I know! what's so special about having it at my house right? Why not have it at a restaurant or something. Well the reason why is that I feel sometimes it's hard to move around in a restaurant and plus it's easier to mingle around at some place we're comfortable at, somewhere we don't have to control our level of noise. Especially when sometimes we can get really really loud! Other than that, I have personalise this meet ups with gifts specially prepared for each of them and some other surprises too! Can't reveal too much here now. Will blog about it after tomorrow! I'll just leave you with pictures from yester years! mwah!

My blog is still very quiet...make some noise and leave me a comment to let me know you're here guys! Mwah!